11. Oktober 2020, 18:35

Horsepower (1 PS) and wind energy, two more sustainable ways to remove trees out of the forest or to lighten up your house. And of course trash, very unsustainable and even more when it‘s just thrown out of the car window. It can harm animals and will stay many many years in the ground. So please take care of your trash, never litter and take the responsibility to care for our planet. We are only guests here and should not act like the earth belongs to us alone.

#horsepower #windenergy #plastic #banplastic #5minutebeachcleanup #cleanup #trashhunting #ps #picoftheday #noplanetb #beatplasticpollution #plasticfree #takeresponsibility #switzerland #entlebuch #plasticpollution #cleanplanet #pickitup #pickup1million 2 #savetheearth #savetheocean #biosphärenreservat #take3forthesea #breakfreefromplastic #stoplittering #luzern #weareonlyguestonearth #jointhemovement #bethechange #trashtag

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