07. Juni 2021, 23:37

My hiking mate and I did an easy tour through the Biosphere Entlebuch and up to the beautiful Schwändeliflue with its species diversity of animals and plants. One of these animals is the Alpine Salamander. It has a shiny black skin and lives on the ground. The rainy and humid weathers fits perfectly to get the chance of seeing more than one-if you watch the ground carefully...

#alpinesalamander #littleones #groundanimals #alps #alpineanimals #animals #swissalps #swiss #switzerland #shinyblackskin #humidity #exploreswitzerland #alpsofswitzerland #schweiz #alpensalamander #schwändeliflue #biosphere #biosphereentlebuch #entlebuch #biosphäreentlebuch #mountains #mountainlove #highlysensitiveperson #lovelife

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